Corporate publications

Orion's key publications are available for you to download.  For hard copy versions, or to receive a copy of a document older than seven years, contact us on 03 363 9898 or 0800 363 9898.

  • Statement of intent – sets out our overall intentions and objectives, as well as performance targets, for the next three years.

  • Annual report – produced each year for our financial year to 31 March.

  • Asset management plan – documents our approach to the long-term management of our network. It looks ahead 10 years and is a tool to ensure customers' preferred service levels are provided at the lowest long-term cost. 

  • Orion Climate Statement 22-23 - shares a snapshot of the challenges and opportunities involved in the transition to a low carbon, climate resilient economy.
  • Climate Change Opportunities and Risks for Orion - assesses the impact of climate change on Orion. Produced in accordance with the recommendations of the Taskforce on Climate-related Financial Disclosures (TCFD)
  • Network quality report – sets out Orion’s approach to network reliability and resilience and how we performed over the five years to March 2018.

  • Pricing guides and information – we have a range of guides and publications available on our pricing.

  • Kestrel report – resiliency lessons: 2010 and 2011 earthquake experience.
  • Orion's video – features a day in the life of Christchurch and Central Canterbury’s power network – some of the people who make it happen, and the customers whose lives it touches: