How to connect - steps 1 - 5

Step 1 - Energy supply contract with an energy retailer

We need confirmation that you have agreed to buy electricity from an electricity retailer. We have an agreement with electricity retailers which alllows them to deliver and sell electricity via our network.

Step 2 - Making a connection request

To make a connection request you will need some information, including:

  • contact details including an email address

  • the address of the connection

  • electrical requirements at the property must include phase (one, two or three), capacity (eg 60 or 100 amps) etc

  • the connection use (eg residential, factory, irrigation)

  • your electricity retailer and your electricity retailer customer number.

As electrical information is required you may not be able to complete the connection request without expert advice. We suggest you talk to your electrician about this information or get your electrician to apply for a connection on your behalf.

If you have the necessary information, please go to our online services portal to start the connection application process (select the Start new application button below). If you have any queries about the process or questions as you apply online, please call us on 03 363 9898 or 0800 363 9898. When you have completed your application, we will email you a reference number and confirm what you need to do next.

Start new connection request

For connections that pay a fixed contribution, please view our Connections charges price schedule.

Further costs can be expected from your electrical contractor for the physical works the contractor will carry out on your mains supply. Orion charges are likely to be greater in rural areas and for large developments.

Please note that your connection request cannot be processed unless all the necessary information is supplied and correct. If the information is incomplete or inaccurate, your request may be returned to you for clarification.

An application for standard residential connection capacity, where you will be connecting to our existing network at your boundary, may take up to 15 working days to assess. For larger projects, the time to connect varies depending on the scale of the project, however, it may take several months to connect your property to our electricity network.

Please contact us early and don't leave it to the last minute.

Our Connection services price schedule will apply and all connection requests are subject to our network code. Other terms and conditions may apply. Our network code contains information which may be useful to you or your electrician including technical requirements for connections to Orion's network.

urban classification is defined by your local district or city council.

Step 3 - The connection contract

A separate connection contract is not required for most new home connections. Generally, once we receive your request we will confirm and approve your connection capacity in writing.

For larger or more complex new connections we will require a connection contract. After we have determined your specific requirements, we will create an agreement outlining the connection's required capacity and other relevant legal requirements.

Step 4 - Certificate of compliance

Your electrician must, by law, provide you with a certificate of compliance for your connection. For a new electrical installation this includes proof of electrical inspection. The certificate of compliance is evidence that the work complies with the Electricity Act 1992, relevant regulations and codes of practice.

A copy of the certificate of compliance will need to be provided to an Orion authorised contractor (livening agent).  Our Connections and Livening Guide for Low Voltage Electricity Installations may be relevant to your electrician and builder as it provides information on good working practices when preparing low voltage installations for connection or reconnection.

Step 5 - Connection to the Orion network

An Orion authorised livening agent will connect your property to the Orion network.