Home safety

Electricity must be treated with respect. The fact that you can’t see electricity makes it more dangerous, so it’s important to keep a few simple safety tips in mind when you are working with electrical appliances around the home.

  • Switch off an appliance before you unplug.

  • Care for your cords - replace any frayed or brittle cords.

  • Treat a tingle as a signal - immediately switch off at the outlet and unplug the appliance.

  • Watch out for wires - always stand well clear, warn others and us immediately if you spot a fallen electrical wire.

  • Liquids and electricity don't mix - never take portable appliances like radios, heaters, phones and hairdryers into the shower or bath and don't spray cleaners and solvents on switches or sockets.

Worksafe's Claude the cat is back!Claude the cat safety3

Summer is here which means more time outside doing DIY, having BBQs and camping. Worksafe's energy safety spokescat Claude is back. Visit Claude's site to learn all about safety tips and tricks to keep safe around electricity this Summer.